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PEGACPSA23V1 New Question - PEGACPSA23V1 Valid Test Answers

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Pegasystems Certified Pega System Architect 23 Sample Questions (Q208-Q213):

You have been asked to create a report definition that includes information about the sales offices and sales representatives. The manager wants to access the report in the Report Browser in the user portal. The manager also wants to include the report in a new report category specifically for the sales group. What two configurations are required to support this request? (Choose Two)

  • A. Create a report category rule for sales office reports.
  • B. Add a report category for sales group reports in the Report Browser.
  • C. Select the report definition option that displays your report in the Report Browser.
  • D. Select the option in the Report Browser that allows users to view your report.

Answer: A,C

To enable the manager to access a new report in the Report Browser under a specific category for the sales group:
B: Create a report category rule for sales office reports. This configuration step involves setting up a new report category that is specifically tailored for sales-related reports, helping to organize and segregate reports based on their functional relevance.
C: Select the report definition option that displays your report in the Report Browser. This ensures that the report is visible in the Report Browser, making it accessible to users who need to view and interact with sales data.

To process an employee retirement package, the system requires approvals from the supervising manager, and the ...
How do you implement the requirements so that each approver can work independently?

  • A. Route the assignment to a work queue to which all three roles have access.
  • B. Create business logic to route the assignment to the different approvers.
  • C. Create an approval step with cascading approval.
  • D. Create three parallel processes with approval steps.

Answer: D

Which two statements about Configuration sets are true? (Choose two.)

  • A. Configured by modifying the Data-Configuration-Settings class
  • B. Used if a Dynamic System Setting does not meet the requirements
  • C. Enables the business to control application behavior
  • D. Used to organize Configuration settings with a common element

Answer: C,D

A user view includes a list of four urgency options selectable by radio buttons. How do you configure the selection list?

  • A. Configure a drop down field with selectable urgency options.
  • B. Configure a field group with selectable urgency options.
  • C. Configure a Boolean field with selectable urgency options.
  • D. Configure a picklist with radio buttons for the urgency options.

Answer: D

In a claims application customers can file home insurance claims. Each claims contains a list of items of loss.
Depending on the situation, some claims... investigated for potential fraud in parallel to the actual claim process.
Which two case types do you create to support this scenario? (Choose two.)

  • A. Fraud Investigation
  • B. Items of loss
  • C. Customer
  • D. Claim

Answer: A,D


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